Jewelry epoxy transparent resin Craft Crystal Resin 1,5kg
Jewelery epoxy resin Craft Crystal Resin (non-yellowing UV resistant)
made of organic materials of high purity and transparency , has no yellowness and will not turn yellow over time .
It is used for casting jewelry, creating protective coatings.
When hardened, it forms a hard, durable glossy surface.
Due to the fluidity and the special formula of the resin, air bubbles can easily escape.
Photostable, does not become cloudy and does not turn yellow over time.
Moisture resistant.
High adhesion to all materials except polyethylene, silicone, fluoroplast, plexiglass.
Does not have a strong odor.
After curing, it is absolutely harmless to health.Proportions: 100 parts resin, 50 parts hardener.
Operating procedure:
- Work is carried out in protective gloves.
- Mix the composition in proportions: 100 parts of resin + 50 parts of hardener (in grams). Mix evenly - not too fast, until the components are optically homogeneous.
- The resulting composition is poured into molds (preferably silicone) or coated on the surface of the product.
- To obtain beautiful effects, it is possible to mix transparent and colored epoxy mixtures, add dyes and pigments
- Surface drying (tack-free) is achieved after no more than 18 hours.- The rate of polymerization (curing) depends on the ambient temperature.
- It is recommended to cover the product being cured to avoid dust settling
- Full curing occurs after 42 hours.
Two-component resin, supplied with a transparent hardenerPacking weight - 1 kg resin, 0.5 kg hardenerThe ratio of components for the preparation of the mixture A:B= 100:50 parts by weight.When preparing a mixture in large volumes (more than 100 ml), do not keep the composition in a bulk container, either immediately apply to the object, or pour into a flat wide container to improve heat transfer.